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The Encyclopedia of Women's History in America

by Kathryn Cullen-DuPont

A New York Public Library "Outstanding Reference Book"

An Alternate Selection of the History Book Club

From the Preface:

Since earliest colonial times, women have contributed to the life of the Untied States and all its people while striving to better their own situation. This encyclopedia is intended to bring together information about the organizations founded, the books and newspapers published, the speeeches given, the documents signed, the demonstrations and conventions held, the legislative actions proposed and enacted, the task forces and committees convened, and the legal rulings rendered--all in the course of "Women's History in America."

In choosing individual women for inclusion, I have not attempted the comprehensiveness possible in a work restricted solely to biographical entries. I have, however, tried to include the women who stand out, almost as landmarks but certainly as central figures, in at least one of several ways: As (1) women who have affected the general course of American history; (2) women important to the struggle for (or, sometimes, against) equal rights; (3) barrier-breaking women, the "firsts" to make their way into the professions and government offices once reserved to men, and the women who, following these "firsts" into these new territories, have made particularly significant contributions; (4) visionary women who created and/or inspired lasting community service organizations, new public policy initiatives, and even religions; and (5) women who have made especially prominent contributions to the cultural and intellectual life of America. I have also and without apology selected some women simply because their accomplishments are pathbreaking within a particular community.

Copyright second edition 2000 by Kathryn Cullen-DuPont
Copyright first edition 1996 by Kathryn Cullen-DuPont

Photograph of opponents to the Nineteenth Amendment. Illustration from the Encyclopedia of Women's History in America, courtesy Library of Congress.